Ghi chú Brandenburger

  1. A large number of the recruits were small time criminals who fled from Poland.See: Wrzesień 1939 na Śląsku (September 1939 in Silesia) – p. 37 Paweł Dubiel – 1963.
  2. A large number of the recruits were small time criminals who fled from Poland.See: Wrzesień 1939 na Śląsku (September 1939 in Silesia) – p. 37 Paweł Dubiel – 1963.
  3. By no means was the Brandenburg Division the only German special operations unit of the Second World War, as they also had Otto Skorzeny's Friedenthaler Jagdverbände (which rescued Mussolini) and the Airborne Kampfgeschwader 200.[16]
  4. By no means was the Brandenburg Division the only German special operations unit of the Second World War, as they also had Otto Skorzeny's Friedenthaler Jagdverbände (which rescued Mussolini) and the Airborne Kampfgeschwader 200.[16]
  5. See: The fate of Polish children during the last war by Roman Hrabar, Zofia Tokarz, Jacek Edward Wilczur, Rada Ochrony Pomników Walki i Męczeństwa (Poland) Interpress, 1981; Rocznik przemyski – Volume 21 – p. 130, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, p. 130 (1982); A więc wojna":ludność cywilna we wrześniu 1939 r. Anna Piekarska, Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (2009) Reviews Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, p. 21.
  6. See: The fate of Polish children during the last war by Roman Hrabar, Zofia Tokarz, Jacek Edward Wilczur, Rada Ochrony Pomników Walki i Męczeństwa (Poland) Interpress, 1981; Rocznik przemyski – Volume 21 – p. 130, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, p. 130 (1982); A więc wojna":ludność cywilna we wrześniu 1939 r. Anna Piekarska, Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (2009) Reviews Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, p. 21.
  7. The battalion also included motorcycle and paratroop platoons.
  8. It is an undisputed fact that units of the Brandenburg were used in guerrilla warfare. Covering long distances and violating the martial terms of Hague Convention, the Brandenburg Division was conceived to be a special forces unit veritably designed for the sake of partisan warfare. Brandenburgers participated in partisan war in the East, in some cases as a cover for the murder of minorities. Partisan warfare was nevertheless a deadly reality to the German authorities and was actually considered a military necessity. This fact does not detract in any way or excuse the commission of war crimes by members of the Brandenburg Commandos at the local level by individual units or commands.[39]
  9. Due to the nature of their operations and the inherent hazards they faced, very few of them survived the war.[46]
  10. See: Боляновський А.В. Дивізія «Галичина»: історія — Львів:, 2000. (Bolyanovsky AV Division "Halychyna": History — Lviv, 2000)